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accept(T) - Method in interface io.blt.util.functional.ThrowingConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
accumulator() - Method in class
apply(T) - Method in interface io.blt.util.functional.ThrowingFunction
Applies this function to the given argument.


characteristics() - Method in class
combiner() - Method in class
computeIfAbsent(Map<K, V>, K, ThrowingFunction<? super K, ? extends V, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ctr
For the specified map, if there is no value for the specified key then compute will be called and the result entered into the map.
computeIfAbsent(Map<K, V>, K, ThrowingSupplier<? extends V, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ctr
For the specified map, if there is no value for the specified key then compute will be called and the result entered into the map.
Ctr - Class in io.blt.util
Static utility methods for operating on implementations of Collection and Map i.e., Containers.


En - Class in io.blt.util
Static utility methods for operating on Enum.
Ex - Class in io.blt.util
Static utility methods centred around Exception and Throwable.


finisher() - Method in class


get() - Method in interface io.blt.util.functional.ThrowingSupplier
Returns a result.
getOptional() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class


io.blt.util - package io.blt.util
io.blt.util.functional - package io.blt.util.functional - package


newInstanceOf(T) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Returns a new instance of the same type as the input object if possible; otherwise, returns empty.


Obj - Class in io.blt.util
Static utility methods for operating on Object.
of(Class<E>, String) - Static method in class io.blt.util.En
Returns the enum constant matching name as an Optional; otherwise, returns empty.
ofIgnoreCase(Class<E>, String) - Static method in class io.blt.util.En
Returns the enum constant matching name as an Optional; otherwise, returns empty.
orElseGet(T, ThrowingSupplier<T, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Returns value if non-null, else invokes and returns the result of supplier.
orElseOnException(ThrowingSupplier<T, E>, T) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Invokes and returns the result of supplier if no exception is thrown, else returns defaultValue.
orEmptyOnException(ThrowingSupplier<T, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Invokes and returns the result of supplier if no exception is thrown; otherwise, returns empty.


poke(T, ThrowingConsumer<T, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Passes the instance to the consumer, then returns the instance.


run() - Method in interface io.blt.util.functional.ThrowingRunnable
Performs this operation.


setValue(T) - Method in class
SingletonCollectors - Class in
Implementations of Collector that reduce to exactly one or zero elements.
SingletonCollectors.Container<T> - Class in
SingletonCollectors.SingletonCollector<T,R> - Class in
supplier() - Method in class


tap(Supplier<T>, ThrowingConsumer<T, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Obj
Calls the supplier to retrieve an instance which is mutated by the consumer then returned.
throwIf(T, Predicate<? super T>, Supplier<? extends E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ex
Throws the specified throwable if the given value satisfies the provided predicate.
ThrowingConsumer<T,E> - Interface in io.blt.util.functional
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument that may throw.
ThrowingFunction<T,R,E> - Interface in io.blt.util.functional
Represents a function that may throw and accepts one argument and produces a result.
ThrowingRunnable<E> - Interface in io.blt.util.functional
Represents an operation that may throw.
ThrowingSupplier<T,E> - Interface in io.blt.util.functional
Represents a supplier of results that may throw.
throwUnless(T, Predicate<? super T>, Supplier<? extends E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ex
Throws the specified throwable if the given value does not satisfy the provided predicate.
toNullable() - Static method in class
Returns a Collector that accumulates the only element, if any, into a nullable Object.
toOptional() - Static method in class
Returns a Collector that accumulates the only element, if any, into an Optional.
transformExceptions(ThrowingRunnable<? extends Exception>, Function<? super Exception, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ex
Executes a runnable, transforming any thrown Exception using a specified function.
transformExceptions(ThrowingSupplier<R, ? extends Exception>, Function<? super Exception, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ex
Executes a supplier, transforming any thrown Exception using a specified function.
transformValues(Map<K, V>, ThrowingFunction<? super V, R, E>) - Static method in class io.blt.util.Ctr
Returns a new Map containing the entries of source with transform applied to the values.
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